We finished Adrienne's purse on Thursday, and then we made Shamrock Cookies.
They are no longer called Shamrock Cookies they are called "Smiley Face Cookies"....
10 cups of flour used for our sugar cookies.
Adrienne LOVES to bake and cook with Grandma. She cracked every egg. That would be 8 eggs. Then she had a great time 'poking' each of them and stirring them up.
Measured all the sugar and poured the flour in. We had a great time.
She decorated the cookies and green sprinkles, green frosting and flower sprinkles.
So much fun..... even more fun was the tasting.
Sugar Measuring!
Egg Cracking
Frosting into Shamrock Smiles
A Finished tray's of Frosted Smiles
Our huge bucket of cookies, frosted ones have yet to be added.
Looks Deliscious!!!!